For parents

Membership fees and activity costs

Membership fees are £15.00 per month. We ask that you pay these by standing order or electronic payment on the 1st of each month. Details for electronic payments are available from us.


Other events and activities are charged separately. They are always on a "best value for money" basis and for main camps and expeditions, there are  opportunities for young people to raise funds to help reduce the cost of the events. Trips and days outs are at the best prices we can get - usually helped along by group discounts!


We operate an Activity Bank payment scheme, which allows you to pay for events in instalments. It also shows you a record of the events and payments made. We provide weekly statements to your e-mail address, along with news and information about Group activities.


We want our members to get as much out of Scouting as possible and we're always happy to discuss any difficulties around payment.

Want to know more about helping out?


Click on this link to see more ways you could join in the adventure with your youngster!


Wearing a uniform is comfy and practical. It means no one feels uncomfortable or left out and helps everyone feel part of the group.


There are some activities and events when uniform is not needed and we let you know this in advance.


Our uniform consists of a sweatshirt or shirt that you can sew badges on and a "Red McLean" tartan scarf or 'necker’ to represent the Scout Group. There are lots of other optional Scout-branded accessories you can wear such as hats, hoodies, trousers or shorts.


Kneckies and woggles can be supplied at the Scout Hall. Just ask your Leader.


You can buy your shirts and more, online from Scout Store at:

Where to sew those badges!


Once you have the uniform, just where do all those badges go? Well, you can download a helpful guide her, to make sure they end up in the right place.


Beaver Scout Badges and Uniform
Adobe Acrobat document [112.5 KB]
Cub Scout Badges and Uniform
Adobe Acrobat document [115.3 KB]
Scout Badges and Uniform
Adobe Acrobat document [122.9 KB]
Explorer Scout Badges and Uniform
Adobe Acrobat document [149.8 KB]

Other things your youngster might need

For activities such as hikes and camps, you'll need to have access to some other personal kit, such as:

  • Rucksack
  • Sleeping bag
  • Walking boots
  • Waterproofs


We can help provide them with our Recycle and Reuse policy

Growing out of boots and waterproofs too quickly? Whilst you may want to have your own items, we maintain a stock of these items and if we have the size you need, you can borrow from us (for a nominal donation) when taking part in activities that might need them. Cheaper than buying items you'll only wear or use a few times!


Keeping your youngster safe

Safeguarding matter are covered in our second page More for Parents



If there's anything we haven't covered here, please ask your youngster's Section Leader. If they don't have an answer, they'll know someone who does!



from Linburn Scouts



A BRAW event!

A big really active weekend in October - two day activities, including visits in Edinburgh and an activities day at Fordell Firs. Not to be missed.




And there's more. Check back for regular updates.


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© 114th Fife (Linburn) Scout Group Scottish Charity SC032681